Von Marie & Carlos

June 21, 2025 • Atlanta, Georgia
99 Days To Go!

Von Marie & Carlos

June 21, 2025 • Atlanta, Georgia
99 Days To Go!

Wedding Party

Team Bride

Jose Rodriguez
Jose Rodriguez - Father of the Bride & Officiant
From 8 years old until now there's no one else I would want to officiate my wedding than my dad ♥️
Maria Angely Rodriguez
Maria Angely Rodriguez - Mother of the Bride
She made me the woman I am today, and I couldn't do this without her.
Kiara Angely Rodriguez
Kiara Angely Rodriguez - Maid of Honor
My little sister, my best friend, & the one person I couldn’t do any of this without.
Aiden Nicolas Rodriguez
Aiden Nicolas Rodriguez - Ring Bearer
The cutest ring bearer in town and my nephew 🥰
Stephanie Rodriguez
Stephanie Rodriguez - Bridesmaid
Every girl needs her big sister with her to celebrate her big day!
Alex Rodriguez
Alex Rodriguez - Brides Man
My favorite brother! Of course he has to be a part of my bridal party!
Alaynah Jackson
Alaynah Jackson - Bridesmaid
Future sis in love!
Krystal Oyola
Krystal Oyola - Bridesmaid
She more than just a cousin, she's my sister from another mister!
Jaline Jurado
Jaline Jurado - Bridesmaid
One of the first people that made me feel welcomed in the family when Carlos and I started dating.

Team Groom

Lissette Castaño
Lissette Castaño - Mother of the Groom
The first woman to ever love me, and take care of me, the one who gave me life…my mom! ♥️
Rafael Villafañe
Rafael Villafañe - Father of the Groom
He’s made me the man I am today, and he’s honestly my true hero…my dad!
Nicole Villafañe
Nicole Villafañe - Step-mother of the Groom
She’s been my second mother for about 20 years, her prayers got me to where I am today!
Austin Royal
Austin Royal - Best Man
My best friend who’s been there through it all. I couldn’t do this without him!
Roberto Garcia
Roberto Garcia - Groomsman
My second brother, but the first one I watched grow.
Catalina Garcia
Catalina Garcia - Flowergirl
The most adorable flower girl in the whole world & my favorite niece! 💕
Giovanni Castaño
Giovanni Castaño - Groomsman
My youngest brother.
Juan Miguel Villafañe
Juan Miguel Villafañe - Groomsman
To everyone I’m Carlos…but to him I’ll alway be CarCar
Elian Villafañe
Elian Villafañe - Groomsman
My first little brother